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Bowen Yang Praises Ariana Grande As Down To Earth And Empathetic

Bowen Yang Praises Ariana Grande as Down-to-Earth and Empathetic

Wicked Costar Relationship

Bowen Yang recently spoke to PEOPLE about his friendship with Wicked costar Ariana Grande. The comedian and actor had nothing but positive things to say about the pop star, describing her as "down-to-earth" and "empathetic." Yang also said that he "adores everything" about Grande and finds her to be a "great person."

Mutual Respect

Yang and Grande have been working together on Wicked since 2022, and they have clearly developed a strong bond during that time. Yang praised Grande's work ethic and her commitment to the show, saying that she is "always prepared" and "always willing to give 110%." Grande, in turn, has said that she is a "big fan" of Yang's work and that she is "so grateful" to have him as a costar.

Upcoming "Wicked" Movie

The two actors will soon be reprising their roles as Elphaba and Fiyero in the upcoming Wicked movie, which is set to be released in 2024. Yang expressed his excitement about the film, saying that he believes it will be "a really special movie for a lot of people." He also said that he is looking forward to working with Grande again on the big screen.
