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Bowen Yang And Matt Rogers

Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers: A Cultural Force

The Culture-Shifting Influence of 'Las Culturistas'

Las Culturistas is a pop-culture and comedy podcast co-hosted by Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers, produced by Will Ferrell's company, Gloria Sanchez Productions.

Since its launch in 2017, 'Las Culturistas' has gained a devoted following for its witty banter, sharp cultural commentary, and unabashed celebration of diversity.

The podcast's hosts, Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers, have become cultural icons in their own right, with Yang's breakout role on 'Saturday Night Live' and Rogers' acclaimed stand-up comedy.

'Las Culturistas' has not only provided a platform for Yang and Rogers to showcase their unique perspectives but has also played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape.

The podcast's exploration of topics such as representation, identity, and pop culture has resonated deeply with listeners, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In recognition of their impact, Yang and Rogers recently hosted the second annual 'Las Culturistas Culture Awards', celebrating the achievements of marginalized voices in the entertainment industry.

The move of the awards ceremony to the prestigious Kings Theatre further highlights the growing influence of 'Las Culturistas' and its hosts.

As 'Las Culturistas' continues to evolve, it is poised to remain a cultural force, inspiring and entertaining audiences with its unique brand of humor, empathy, and insightful commentary.
