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Time In Florida Now

Time In Florida Now

Time In Florida Now

Current Time in Florida

The current time in Florida, United States is 10:05:06 AM Eastern Time (ET).

Time Zone Information

Florida is located in the Eastern Time Zone (ET), which is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). During Daylight Saving Time (DST), which runs from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, Florida is 4 hours behind UTC.

Time Difference Between Florida and Other Cities

Here is the time difference between Florida and some major cities around the world:

  • New York City: 1 hour ahead
  • London: 5 hours ahead
  • Paris: 6 hours ahead
  • Tokyo: 14 hours ahead
  • Sydney: 15 hours ahead

Tips for Staying on Time in Florida

Here are some tips for staying on time in Florida:

  • Set your watch or phone to the correct time zone.
  • Allow for extra time when traveling, especially during rush hour.
  • Be aware of the time difference when making phone calls or scheduling appointments.


Knowing the current time in Florida is important for planning your day and staying on schedule. By following these tips, you can ensure that you are always on time.
